Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Decora Style?

Not technically Lolita, Decora style includes bright colors and lots, and I mean, LOTS of cute things so much so that it is over the top. But that is the whole idea.  To draw attention to yourself that is the point. At least that is what I think. I never dressed in decora... It looks too youthful  for me. How to be Decora?
  • Bright colors
  • Lots and lots of cute things
  • Layers and Layers 
  • Noise makers and lights (clickers, chains, little flashlights, glow things)

I think of Decora as type of art form don't just throw any old thing together.

What is Lolita?

I was there! in 2009

This fashion originated  from Japan. Lolita is based on Victorian-era clothes as well as costumes from the Rococo period. Tell me more."New People" is the 1st Lolita store that opened up in the US. There are many different types of Lolita styles. I don't know them all.
  • Classic 
  • Gothic
  • Sweet
  • Country
  • Decora (Not really Lolita)
  • Oija
  • School 
  • Punk
  • And much, much more...

Friday, October 14, 2011

Lolita...It's just a girl thing!!??

A lot of people may think that Lolita is only for girls, but that's not always the case. Even though I personally never seen it, some guys dress up in Lolita too it's called Ōji Lolita. Lolita fashion really does not have a set age, race or sex. It all comes down to Comfort and Confidence.


Even though the boy style of this Lolita is for guys. Women can dress in Oji too.

Oji Lolita: Oji means prince

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

What is this page?

Hello World,

 This page is for all of the girls and guys who love Lolita fashion. If you want info on Lolita fashion or if you just want to talk about it...well this is the page. For people who are new at this fashion, I welcome you.

So Welcome to my little blog and enjoy!

P.S. Lolita does not have any explicit content. It is not from the book or movie.

Lolita Fashion is cute!  >.<